Marta Carrillo, Mia® Concierge at Planas Clinic, Spain:
"Breast Harmonization Experience is an extraordinary discovery, and I believe an impressive future awaits women with Mia®"

Nov 29, 2023 · 8 min read

Marta Carrillo, Mia® Concierge at Planas Clinic, Spain: "Breast Harmonization Experience is an extraordinary discovery, and I believe an impressive future awaits women with Mia®"
Marta Carrillo, Mia® Concierge at Clínica Planas.

Undoubtedly, Mia Femtech is beginning to transform the archetype of breast aesthetics by focusing on the well-being of contemporary women through a concept that goes beyond enhancing natural feminine beauty. It's a new paradigm that seeks to promote harmony between body and mind, placing women at the center of it all.

In this context, Mia Femtech introduces a new support figure for women: the Mia® Concierge, a cornerstone in all the stages of the Mia® Breast Harmonization Experience. A concierge’s primary function is to provide information, preparation, and constant support to Mia® Consumers.

Marta Carrillo, Mia® Concierge at Planas Clinic, certified by Establishment Labs®, perfectly understands the lifestyle of 21st-century women. "We lead a pace that doesn't allow us to stop; we're working mothers, entrepreneurs, we're all of it, and we don't want to give up feeling good about ourselves," she asserts. Passionate about her work, Marta consistently listens attentively to women, contributing to the creation of a personalized plan that fits their needs and routines.

With great confidence and elegance, Marta walks us through Planas Clinic (Clínica Planas) to the dedicated Mia® space, where we initiate an open conversation.

"We lead a pace that doesn't allow us to stop; we're working mothers, entrepreneurs, active and busy, and we don't want to give up feeling good about ourselves."

Question: What motivated you to take on this role both personally and professionally?

Answer: I was coming from the world of conventional surgery, and the first time I witnessed the procedure, I was truly amazed, especially when I saw the consumers walking out of the operating room. I couldn't believe it; I had never seen anything like it, and I was truly astonished. On the other hand, I have always been passionate about the world of aesthetics from an elegant and sophisticated perspective. I also believe that beauty standards have evolved, shifting from extravagance and larger volumes to something more subtle. With small enhancements, you can feel more beautiful and comfortable with yourself. This conviction inspired me to assist women who want to make this change in their lives and provide them with that little boost.

"I came from the world of conventional surgery, and the first time I saw the procedure, I was amazed, especially when I saw the girls walking out of the operating room. I couldn't believe it; I had never seen anything like that and I was astonished."

In your role as a Mia® Concierge, you have the opportunity to openly discuss breast aesthetics without taboos.
Q: How do you establish open and secure communications with women?

A: Initially, consumers may feel a bit reserved due to various prejudices, so we encourage them to come in for information and to discuss their daily lives. They also share their needs, what things may affect them every day, how they feel about their self-esteem and more. On the one hand, they know they need a change, but on the other hand, their daily routines, children, or work can sometimes make it difficult for them to take that step. So it's essential to listen to them, encourage them, and make them feel comfortable, especially because Mia® is a change that doesn't disrupt their daily activities.*

Q: In light of that information, what message do you consider important to convey to consumers interested in the Breast Harmonization Experience?

A: It's crucial to instill confidence in them, so they can trust that their daily life will remain largely unchanged in terms of activity, but there's a high likelihood of improvement in their self-esteem, how they navigate their daily routines, and their overall confidence. Ultimately, how you feel is reflected in your interactions with others.

"We will always be there to support them, even after the Mia® Experience"

Currently, 94% of consumers who undergo breast harmonization report that the results are subtle and true to their essence.1 Similarly, 85% of women2 state that they feel more confident after Mia®.

Q: Based on these positive results, how do consumers feel when they discover and experience the support of other women who have shared their successful experiences?

A: Honestly, they feel much more at ease, especially when they sense that their needs are understood. That's when they decide to take the plunge and then schedule a visit with a Mia® Certified Surgeon from Establishment Labs®. We also assess whether they are suitable candidates for the procedure and can achieve the desired outcome. From that point forward, we are always there to support them, even after the experience, to address their questions or concerns. Likewise, once they have resumed their daily activities, there are often lingering questions, so we always establish a follow-up contact.

Main questions about Mia®: "Fear of the unknown, results, and not disrupting daily activities, especially for mothers"

Q: As Mia® represents a new category in breast aesthetics, Marta tells us about the main questions that consumers typically have regarding the Breast Harmonization Experience.

A: The first concern is about the results, as they are looking for something extremely natural. Another issue is the fear that arises when it comes to anesthesia, especially for those who have never undergone conventional surgery. It's important to highlight that the Mia® Experience does not involve general anesthesia; instead, it is performed under mild sedation, allowing the procedure to be carried out comfortably, for both the surgeon and the consumer. In other words, it's a sedation that dissipates shortly after the procedure, enabling women to walk out of the operating room. This way, they typically return to their normal lives and most of their activities within approximately 1.5 to 2 hours. So, this latter aspect provides them with a lot of peace of mind.

Q: In these times when only 3 out of 10 women feel satisfied with their breasts3; in times like these, when we think there will be more time, but it always runs out, what is it that most inspires and excites you about Mia®?

A: The Breast Harmonization Experience is an extraordinary discovery, and I believe an impressive future awaits us with Mia® for women. It's the fact that you can walk out after the procedure, raise your arms, and be with your children. It's also about going to work after just two hours, being in your office, and continuing with your normal life. I think it's truly astounding.

No one notices: "I never thought it was an enhanced breast, it looks so natural"

As the conversation continues, we can sense that Marta is an inspiring, empowered woman who is passionate about her work. She smiles and recalls a friend who recently had the experience. "She's thrilled, and the interesting thing is that very few people have noticed. She mentioned that this summer, she went to her hometown with her family, and no one noticed until she mentioned it. Her friends told her, 'We realized that the bikini looked much better on you, more flattering, but we never thought it was a harmonized breast because of its naturalness, subtlety, and elegance."

According to Marta, the vast majority of women want it to remain a secret. "In other words, they want to look more beautiful, more radiant, but without it being obvious, as was the case with old beauty standards."

Q: What contributes to Mia® providing such a natural appearance that harmonizes with the rest of the body?

A: It's a combination of factors. The preservation of tissues, the fact that there are no incisions in any part of the breast, such as the crease and the areola. All of this allows for a much more aesthetically pleasing result. We also do not cut or damage the tissues, which makes recovery much faster. Another important aspect is the way the diamond is introduced; through an injector via the armpit, which utilizes the natural fat present in the breast to give it a more projected appearance. The smaller diamond size allows for more volume gain in this way.

Q: According to a study by Mindshare3, The Wellness Revolution, both public and private organizations have begun to raise awareness about mental health and well-being in the post-pandemic era. Furthermore, 66% of the global population4 is now paying more attention to their overall health. This may reflect a significant shift in how people value their well-being today. From this perspective, how do you think Mia® is helping today's women with their physical and mental well-being?

A: Today, women are increasingly focused on taking care of their physical and mental health, whether through exercise, yoga, Pilates, tennis, or similar activities. These have become so important that they sometimes fear a procedure might disrupt them. However, Mia® doesn't stop you. You can get back to everything right away. I believe that in some way, this self-care makes us more aware of the balance between body and mind, making us more spiritual.

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  1. 194% of women said the result of Mia® was subtle and true to their essence.: Mia Femtech Experience – Kantar Dec 2022 Sample 98 women who had Mia®
  2. 85% of women felt more confident after Mia® Mia Femtech Experience – Kantar Dec 2022 Sample 98 women who has Mia®
  3. Only 3 in 10 women are happy with their breast size: ResponseAI Market Study Europe + Japan Nov 2022 / 937 respondents from Target: Women 25-54 High Income All cups.
  4. Mindshare’s Wellness Revolution Report: People Care More for their Wellbeing than Before. Mindshare, October, 2022.

*Mia® results and experience time may vary from consumer to consumer. Please consult with your doctor prior to returning to normal activity.
*The testimonials, statements, and opinions presented are applicable to each individual. Results will vary and may not be representative of the experience of others. The testimonials are representative of patient experience, but the exact results and experience will be unique and individual to each patient.
*Statements made by interviewees are personal and not endorsed by any spokesperson of Establishment Labs®.

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